82. Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven by Love and Rockets (1985)

Apparently, 1985 was a decent year for music. This is the third album out of the last five that came out that year. Anyway... This was the debut album by Love and Rockets, which was comprised of 3 of the 4 members of Bauhaus. (Everyone except Peter Murphy.) Also, it would appear that the cassette version I have is some sort of bastardized version, because there is one song missing (their cover of "Ball Of Confusion" that kicked ass), one added, and the rest of the tracks are in a different order than any list I could find on any site. Curious. It starts off with "God and Mr. Smith", a mostly instrumental song which has elements from many of the other songs on the album. On every site I've seen this album on, this is the last track, yet on mine it's the first. Weird. "A Private Future" is next, a mostly mellow song that sounds somewhat like "Slice Of Life" by Bauhaus. Very good tune. "Dog-End Of a Day Gone By" is a great song, another one that should have been on my favorite songs list. I guess I should have done this one first, then the songs, eh? "The Game" is a nifty song, kind of sounds... well... I can't really describe it, so I'll steal a line from one of the web sites I use: chilling nursery rhyme pendulum. Sounds about right. "If There's a Heaven Above" is also pretty bad ass, listed as the opening song on every site I looked at. "Inside the Outside" is a pretty chaotic song, almost, but not quite, out of place with the mellowness of most of the rest of the album. This is the one that replaced "Ball Of Confusion" on the copy I have. "Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven" seeps sexuality, with the pulsing beats and moaning guitars. Stellar. "Haunted When the Minutes Drag" is phenomenal, just an outstanding song. I can listen to it repeatedly for hours and not get sick of it. The final song (on my weird version, anyway) is the instrumental "Saudade". Absolutely beautiful song. In all, I would absolutely recommend this album to anyone. It has no weak spots, in my opinion, just very solid from start to finish. Love it.
5 Best Songs:
5. "Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven"
4. "The Game"
3. "Saudade"
2. "Dog-End Of a Day Gone By"
1. "Haunted When the Minutes Drag"
81. Dookie by Green Day (1994)

Contrary to popular belief, this is actually Green Day's third album. It's just the first one that was worth a damn. "Burnout" starts the album off with a bang, a very solid opening track. (P.S. - I think that's going to be my next list - favorite album opening songs.) "Having a Blast" is a very underrated song, I think. It never gets any mention for being how good it actually is. "Chump" is decent, but kind of just feels like filler. "Longview" is the first of the five singles from this album to appear, and is really the weakest of the five. Never really been a fan of this song. "Welcome To Paradise" on the other hand is a pretty good song. Not outstanding, really, but good. "Pulling Teeth" sounds like a Beatles song, really. Just heavier. But the music and harmonies are very Beatles inspired. "Basket Case" rules, flat out. Just a killer tune. "She" is a great song, one I never get tired of. "Sassafras Roots" keeps the streak of awesome songs going, a song that really should have been a single. "When I Come Around" is the last of the singles, and actually the most musically solid of the five. Almost great, but not quite. "Coming Clean" is the first of three straight songs under two minutes. Not really anything else notable about it. "Emenius Sleepus"? Same thing. Nothing special. "In the End" breaks the crap streak, luckily. Pretty decent tune. The final song is the hidden track "F.O.D.", aka "The Bert and Ernie Song". ("I was alone. I was all by myself.") Such a frigging great song. Love it. This was just a bad ass album, as a whole. It has some weak points, but when all together, it's really good. You own it, don't lie. And if you don't, you at least used to.
5 Best Songs:
5. "Pulling Teeth"
4. "Having a Blast"
3. "Basket Case"
2. "She"
1. "Sassafras Roots"
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