And wow. These two albums could not be much more different.
78. Korn by Korn (1994)

I used to HATE this album. An old friend got it when it first came out, and it was all he ever listened to for a few months straight. Got really annoying. It wasn't until about 5 or 6 years ago that I finally got it, and now I love it. Starts off with "Blind", an amazing song to start an album with. Love the way it just starts with the cymbals, then the other instruments slowly join in, then it just explodes. Great song. "Ball Tongue" Is a nice pounding number, very good. "Need To" is relentlessly driving, a very solid song. "Clown" is bad ass. Just an awesome song. "Divine" is decent, but not great. "Faget" is just filled with all sorts of issues. Good song, but gets a bit annoying sometimes. "Shoots and Ladders" is freaking awesome. When we got married, this was the song Holley and I got introduced to at the reception. (The rest of the wedding party got introduced to "Sober" by Tool. Ha!) Second favorite Korn song ever, behind "A.D.I.D.A.S.", and it's a very close second. "Predictable" is probably the worst song on this album. Kind of sounds like he's trying to sound like Chris Cornell singing. Not a terrible song, just blah. "Fake" is a pretty slow song, especially for Korn. Nice change of pace. "Lies" is decent, but by this point in the album I get kind of bored and everything starts sounding the same. "Helmet In the Bush" couldn't possibly be about sex, could it? Ha. Good solid tune. "Daddy" closes the album on a creepy disturbing note. It's a really good song, but... Damn is it creepy. I guess, for me, waiting and giving this album a second chance was worth it. I know a lot of people like a lot of their albums a lot more, but for me, this one's the best. Good shit.
5 Best Songs:
5. "Ball Tongue"
4. "Need To"
3. "Clown"
2. "Blind"
1. "Shoots and Ladders"
77. Lawn Boy by Phish (1991)

On the other end of the spectrum, you have this album. Wow does this bring back my stoner days. "The Squirming Coil" starts it off, a very mellow tune. Love to just sit and listen to a thunderstorm with this one on. "Reba" is a bit over 12 minutes long, incorporating the jam sessions Phish are known for. Never in that 12 minutes does it get boring. Great tune. "My Sweet One", by contrast, is just over two minutes, a very fast paced song, and one of the best on the album. "Split Open and Melt" is the only song that keeps this album from being top 50. It's just such a crap song. "The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony" is a quick little instrumental, just under two minutes. Fun little song. "Bathtub Gin" is a pretty funny song about, well, making some kind of drink in the bathtub. Pretty good. "Run Like an Antelope" clocks in just shy of 10 minutes. It's almost all instrumental, and is a seriously awesome song. Just outstanding. "Lawn Boy" is the song I always forget about, and I'm always pleasantly surprised when it comes on. Nice mellow jazzy number, very good song. The closer is "Bouncing Around the Room", my absolute favorite Phish song ever. I can just listen to this song over and over, it's just awesome. This is easily my favorite Phish album. For a while there I liked Rift as much, if not more, but this one has become the one I judge all the rest of their music by. Great album.
5 Best Songs:
5. "My Sweet One"
4. "Reba"
3. "Lawn Boy"
2. "Run Like an Antelope"
1. "Bouncing Around the Room"
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