136. Greatest Hits by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (1993)

Pretty much the essential Tom Petty collection. He really didn't make much good music after this, so there's no need to get anything after it unless you're a hard core fan. I mean, yeah, Wildflowers was decent, but nothing spectacular, and I honestly couldn't name a song from any of the 5 albums that have come out since. Anyway, this is just a really great collection. Some of the songs sound kind of cheesy now, yes, but others, like "Breakdown," "You Got Lucky," and "I Need To Know" are still pretty bad ass, even if they're a little dated. "Mary Jane's Last Dance" is still a stupid song, though, as is "Free Fallin'." Can't stand those two songs. Other than those two, though, there aren't really any bad songs on the album. And a lot of people like those two songs, so I guess for some people this album's perfect. This does have some awesome songs on it though. "Don't Come Around Here No More" may not be the best song, but it had one of the best videos of all time, so it gets bonus points. "You Got Lucky" is one of the cockiest songs ever, just flat out saying "You got lucky babe, when I found you." Pretty much the only hit from Petty's early career that's missing is the duet with Stevie Nicks, "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around," and I know a lot of people who aren't complaining about that one missing.
5 Best Songs:
5. "I Won't Back Down"
4. "An American Girl"
3. "Don't Come Around Here No More"
2. "You Got Lucky"
1. "Breakdown"
"Don't Come Around Here No More"
"You Got Lucky"
135. The Best Of Culture Club by Culture Club (1989)

I don't care, laugh all you want, I love this album. It's pretty much the epitome of cheesy '80s pop. The 8 song version from '89 is way better than the 16 song version from '94, just because there is absolutely no filler, and has every one of their Top 40 hits. "Karma Chameleon?" Check. "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?" Check. "It's a Miracle?" Check. You can say what you want, but Boy George knew how to write what people wanted to hear at the time. Good stuff.
5 Best Songs:
5. "I'll Tumble 4 Ya"
4. "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?"
3. "Church Of the Poisoned Mind"
2. "Miss Me Blind"
1. "Karma Chameleon"
"Church Of the Poisoned Mind"
"Miss Me Blind"
"Karma Chameleon"
Nothing wrong with greatest hits albums. I own the Tom Petty one myself. Makes me feel like I'm a kid when I listen to it.