122. American Idiot by Green Day (2004)

In one article on one website, in the review for this album, Green Day is compared (favorably, I might add) to each of the following bands for one reason or another: The Who, Husker Du, Queen, Meat Loaf, The Clash and "all the anti-Reagan American hardcore bands of the '80s." Well then. Obviously, everyone knows this album by now, whether you like it or not. This was such a monumental album in Green Day's career, pretty much forcing people to suddenly take them seriously. I am really not going to get into the story of the album, or how it's all anti-Bush and all that. That info's readily available all over the place. While I do think this was a pretty kick ass album, I personally don't think it's their best. But hey, what do I know? It is a good album to listen to when I'm painting though. For some reason it just puts me in that "zone" where I can just paint for hours. So that's something, right?
5 Best Songs:
5. "Wake Me Up When September Ends"
4. "Letter Bomb"
3. "Jesus Of Suburbia"
2. "Holiday"
1. "Are We the Waiting"
"Jesus Of Suburbia"
"Are We the Waiting"
121. Tapestry by Carole King (1971)

Although King wrote or co-wrote everything on this album, several of the songs were already hits for other groups or singers. She finally started singing her own songs, and this album became one of the biggest selling albums of all time. The songs that had already been hits for other people include "You've Got a Friend," "(You Make Me Feel Like a) Natural Woman" and "Will You Love Me Tomorrow?" The latter song, especially, takes on a whole new life under King's arrangement and performance, going from somewhat up tempo to very slow and sad. "I Feel the Earth Move" and "It's Too Late" both shine, but the best new song here by far is "So Far Away," one of the sappiest songs ever, but painfully sincere in its sappiness. Definitely a must have album.
5 Best Songs:
5. "You've Got a Friend"
4. "I Feel the Earth Move"
3. "It's Too Late"
2. "So Far Away"
1. "Will You Love Me Tomorrow"
"It's Too Late"
"So Far Away"
"Will You Love Me Tomorrow"
"American Idiot" made me like Green Day again. I guess I just pushed them aside once I got into industrial music. Funny story. Went to see Green Day at Blossom once and people were being complete jack asses. I got hit in the head with a bag of rocks, and our ride left us there. So I had to call my dad at 1 in the morning to come get us. Fun as hell!