I actually used to hate this album. I bought the cassette years ago, because "Walk Of Life" is just such a bad ass song, but other than that I didn't really care for the rest of the album. Then, I let myself actually listen to it, and started to actually enjoy it. It starts off with "So Far Away", a smooth jazzy song (but not, like, smooth jazz. just smooth and jazzy) that has become one of my favorite on the album. The next song was the wildly popular "Money For Nothing", which had one of the first computer animated videos, if not the first. "Walk Of Life" is next, my absolute favorite Dire Straits song. "Your Latest Trick" is another jazzy song, with an awesome saxophone part. Unfortunately, after this song, the rest of the album gets kind of boring. "Why Worry" is a little too easy listening, and at over 8 minutes just drags, "Ride Across the River" has some good music, but isn't really anything special, "The Man's Too Strong" sounds like a Bob Dylan or Neil Young outcast, and "One World" is just boring. The final song, "Brothers In Arms", is pretty good, but paired with the four preceding songs it just kind of gets forgotten, because by the time I get to it I just want the album to be over. If they had taken "Brothers In Arms" and put it on the first half of the album, I would listen to it a lot more, because then I wouldn't have to sit through the other 4 songs. As it is, though, it's a good album to listen to when I'm painting, especially the second half, because I don't focus on the music, just what I'm working on. So, yeah, even the four crap songs have merit.
5 Best Songs:
5. "Brothers In Arms"
4. "Money For Nothing"
3. "Your Latest Trick"
2. "So Far Away"
1. "Walk Of Life"
85. The Head On the Door by The Cure (1985)

This was the first truly radio friendly Cure album. They decided to give pop a try, and had pretty good success, both on college radio and MTV. "Inbetween Days" kicks things off, an insanely catchy pop song that is just flat out addictive. "Kyoto Song" was my favorite Cure song for a long time, probably 6 or 7 years. Don't know what it is about this song, I just absolutely love it. "The Blood" sounds like it's got a bit of Spanish influence to the guitars. Not a great song, but I dislike it less than I used to. "Six Different Ways" is another catchy ass pop song. It starts off somewhat chaotic, but then it comes together magnificently after the intro. "Push" is one of my all time favorite songs. It has an awesome build up, great music, and even though he's only singing for about a quarter of the song, it conveys tons of emotion from start to finish. Just an outstanding song. "The Baby Screams" is a bit of a psychedelic song. Not really a fan. "Close To Me" was, at the time, The Cure's biggest single, reaching #24 in the U.K., #97 in the U.S. on the Billboard Hot 100, and also reaching #32 in the U.S. on the Billboard Hot Dance Music list. Personally, I like the album version better than any of the single versions or remixes, all of which add in a horn section. Like it without the horns much better. "A Night Like This" is one of the few moody songs on this album, and it's still rather upbeat itself. Great song. "Screw" is without a doubt my least favorite song on this album. Can't stand it. "Sinking" closes what is, for the most part, a pretty upbeat album on a major down note. Emotionally, that is. It's one of the best songs on the album, without a doubt, and was very good live when they still had a keyboard player. Actually, most of the songs on this album translate very well to being played live. Definitely a must-have album for any Cure fan, one of only a few by them that I would actually say that about, to be honest. Tell you the others later.
5 Best Songs:
(I am going to use versions from the In Orange concert video as much as possible, because The Cure are insane about not letting their videos be shared once posted, plus this concert was from the tour for this album.)
5. "Inbetween Days"
4. "Six Different Ways"
3. "Sinking"
2. "Kyoto Song"
1. "Push"
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